Stronger Families
United Kingdom
Bridges Social Outcomes Fund II
It is unsurprising that children taken into care typically go on to face significantly worse life outcomes than their peers in a range of areas, such as education, health and employment. At the same time, keeping children in care is very expensive for local authorities, costing ~£200k a year per child. Stronger Families works in Norfolk and Suffolk to break this cycle, by helping families to stay together. It supports children and adolescents at risk of being taken into care, or those recently returned from care, by providing the whole family access to Functional Family Therapy. The support is designed to help address complex behavioural and emotional issues between young people and their parents/guardians, and improve communication, acceptance and mutual respect. The programme aims to work with 1,100 children.
As at June 2024, 807 families have started the Stronger Families programme and Bridges has surpassed its outcomes target – averting over 339,000 days in care for children and young people. On average, 93% of young people participating in the programme stay out of care, and a majority have reported improved family functioning. And the benefits can be lifelong: a study has shown that those completing the programme are more resilient than peers who have not, enabling them to unlock their potential. In terms of value, £12.3 million worth of outcomes have been achieved, generating £33.1 million of value to the UK Government (June 2024). Stronger Families is a truly impactful service and Norfolk County Council have now agreed to an extension of the contract for a further three years.

of young people participating in the programme stay out of care.

of outcomes achieved since the Stronger Families programme started in 2019.

of young people participating in the programme stay out of care.

of outcomes achieved since the Stronger Families programme started in 2019.

of young people participating in the programme stay out of care.

of outcomes achieved since the Stronger Families programme started in 2019.

of young people participating in the programme stay out of care.

of outcomes achieved since the Stronger Families programme started in 2019.

of young people participating in the programme stay out of care.

of outcomes achieved since the Stronger Families programme started in 2019.

of young people participating in the programme stay out of care.

of outcomes achieved since the Stronger Families programme started in 2019.
Learn about FFT
Stronger Families
Functional Family Therapy is a 3-5 month, sequentially phased intervention, which builds skills and repairs relationships in families through weekly therapy sessions. It is usually delivered at home and is suitable for youth justice and social care referrals. Read more about Functional Family Therapy from Family Psychology Mutual, Stronger Families’ expert delivery partner, here.